Friday, July 3, 2009

The Things we do

We tend to let the yard go natural whenever possible and this vine is pretty cool so we've let it be over the years. Well it decided to cover our back light, but no biggie. Then while we were gone on vacation the back door (shown) no longer was left open all day for the woofus to go in and out at her leisure. With the quiet, a bird decided to nest in the jungle on top of the light. No harm and we came and went out the door. Until one day when the bird panicked and coming off the nest about hit Lauri. So now for the bird's sake (and ours), that door is off limits and we go around. Poor missy still waits to go out that door while the one over at the sun-room is sitting wide open, but old habits are hard to break. Maybe when the babies fly we can get our door back!

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