Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Still Waiting

The birds are still commandeering our back door. And now they hold a constant vigil with a constant chirping too. Not bringing food to the nest yet that we can tell and not sitting on the nest all the time as I just saw them switch off sitting on the wire watching. I was too slow to get both the mom and dad bird at the same time. They both were there, then one scooted over close to the one that just landed, then took off as I pointed the camera. We sure would like that door back someday!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Scene from a Scout camp

A bottle of water, a cot for a bed
Perhaps a bottle of Benadryl instead
We'll get a tent far from the street
In a totally unfamiliar place...

That is Blondie the squirrel who frequented camp quite a bit. The last visitor was a young bear after family night who must have liked the smell of Papa Jojn's pizza. After campfire and the rain, the kids went over hill and dale back to camp to startle the youngster that was checking out the trash that didn't get picked up in the earlier run. All in all a good week. Rain every day but at pretty convenient times and short each day. Only a few injuries. The weird one was 7 scouts from all around camp all in sick bay at the same time with a swollen eye or two on Monday. Our one kid of the seven had his swell completely shut. Doses of Benadryl and detox showers and back to camp with them all. Next we had a kid that had to go home after throwing up most of the night Tues. Another camper (not our troop) was choppered out Wed night with an apparent appendicitis. Thursday Ben fell off his horse when cantering but was not hurt. Friday John fell jumping a ditch with not as much luck and took a chunk out of his knee that bled rather well. All are back home and crashed in their beds. Think I will too.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Off to summer camp!

The boys and I (first time for all three of them) are heading out for summer camp at Peaceful Valley Scout Camp. Do to work and a lousy back, I'll only be staying a couple of nights to show the other leaders the ropes and get Ben and John started off okay. For once we are not scrambling at the last minute to pack. We must be forgetting something!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Things we do

We tend to let the yard go natural whenever possible and this vine is pretty cool so we've let it be over the years. Well it decided to cover our back light, but no biggie. Then while we were gone on vacation the back door (shown) no longer was left open all day for the woofus to go in and out at her leisure. With the quiet, a bird decided to nest in the jungle on top of the light. No harm and we came and went out the door. Until one day when the bird panicked and coming off the nest about hit Lauri. So now for the bird's sake (and ours), that door is off limits and we go around. Poor missy still waits to go out that door while the one over at the sun-room is sitting wide open, but old habits are hard to break. Maybe when the babies fly we can get our door back!