Right after snowing for three days straight I might add. Within an hour of the snow stopping it all had gone away and everything was green. Amazing what some moisture will do. Inspired by the weather and Home Depot having a 2 for 1 plant sale today, we decided it was time to finish the plant boxes. That meant finding the vermiculite in huge bags to make my "Mel's Mix" soil for the boxes. Mel is the author of Square Foot Gardening. With the vermiculite found we mixed it with peat moss and several kinds of compost (1/3 by volume of each) then filled the boxes. Our annual Robin pair that had been checking out nesting areas earlier in the day, decided to see how the hunting was in the boxes. To finish the gardening for the day (and my back too), I planted 3 blackberry bushes and 2 blueberries and mulched my 5 apple trees that even though they have been neglected are all doing rather well. Maybe this year I will get more than the one apple I have had the last two years!
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Last December at the library, *The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up* b by
Marie Kondo jumped off the shelf at me. For years, I've tried to get
organized a...
10 years ago
Your box looks great and for sure the robin thinks so too. I am impressed at your soil mixture. I should have done that when I started - keep thinking I will do soil samples and see what I need to grow the best. Cannot wait to show you what all I have growing.
Looking good!
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