Yesterday while hiking at Palmer Park with the hineyness, I thought it was time to once again do a full park hike over many days. I like to do it when it is cold and generally miserable so we don't run into someone complaining about the dog off the leash. Two years ago we did it over 6 weeks but there was snow most of the time and this year I found that some of the trails didn't seem familiar any more. So I decided to do the rounds of the 737 acres that is Palmer Park again. Because of the mesas, there are three times the normal trails as would fit in that area. One at the bottom, one across the sides, and one at the top of each mesa. Add in all the connecting trails and there must be 50 miles worth. Someday I will get a pedometer and find out! Anyway, it snowed last night so this morning it was a walk in winter wonderland but decided to wait on covering the lesser traveled trails. We did one of our usual trails and put the first steps in the snow except for where a trail crossing was it looked like a dozen rabbits had gone though each way. Tomorrow I should remember to bring nuts and seeds for the birds as they were making quite a racket this morning.
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