After starting off so cold, by noon it was in the 50's and just right for playing tennis without a warm up suit. Even broke a sweat. Then last night Lauri and I went to see Jesus Christ Superstar. It was amazing. The lights kept making Ted Neely look bald on top which was weird. For an old man he still has an incredible voice. He even talked to the crowd for a couple minutes afterward. Highly recommended.
Hey - you could let a person know you're blogging again. It was fun to find a new follower.
That's incredibly cool that Neely is still singing. What a great opportunity. I'll have to see if it's coming our way.
I'm jealous....I didn't realize Neely was still doing this.....incredible voice!
Coming your way in March...
March 9
Knoxville, TN
Tennessee Theatre MR
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