Monday, February 15, 2010

Been a Long Time...

Too easy to just throw a short phrase up on Facebook instead of putting together a blog post. Here goes some catch up from fall on. It is all about the greenhouse I built last fall and worked in today for about an hour (well maybe 15 minutes of it was a nap in the sun...). I was actually sweating in there even though the high today was 37. And all I was doing was weeding and removing some old plants not like I was digging a ditch or anything! I did also pick a nice salad for dinner tonight. Still have a couple lettuces, carrots, beets, herbs, plus some of the bokchoi and tatsuta that have not gone to seed. In the pictures are a lettuce bed already replanted with more lettuce, tonight's salad, the beds out from the floating covers (the greenhouse is not heated but has survived below zero nights on its own), it under construction, and one with snow all around.